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10 Common Architecture Interview Questions & How to Ace Them (2024)

Saumya Verma

14 min read

October 20, 2022


Table of Contents

In this blog, we will discover the most common questions asked in architecture interviews in 2024 and learn how to answer them effectively. Get insights on crafting strong responses and essential tips to enhance your interview performance. This guide will equip you with the skills to navigate interviews with confidence, turning each question into an opportunity to showcase your expertise in a clear and impactful way.


Key Points to Keep in Mind 

  • Carry your CV and portfolio with you.

    This is sort of a given. Your CV and portfolio should be up to date with your latest architecture projects. Some people like carrying a hard copy of their portfolio, but it totally depends on your liking. You can also carry proof of software certifications you may have.

  • Do your research beforehand.

    It is important to have in-depth knowledge about the organisation you’re interviewing for beforehand. It is also advisable, if possible, to find out specifically who is interviewing you, as this leaves a good and lasting impression.

  • Try to keep it conversational.

    Your ability to maintain a conversation with the interviewer, make small talk, and give in-depth answers can help them learn more about your qualifications. This also shows that you actually care about the position in question.

  • Try to understand “WHY” the interviewer is asking these architecture interview questions.

    This is an extremely important one. By putting yourself in the shoes of the interviewer, you can understand why they’re asking those questions. This can help you tailor your answers (note: tailor, not completely alter) according to their needs.

  • Don’t give an answer just for the sake of it.

    Please don’t do this. The person who is interviewing you, most likely has a good experience in the field. If they find out you’re bluffing, you can go down a rabbit hole that will be difficult to get out of. If you don’t know something, you can simply say, “I don’t know that, but I can check and get back to you.”

For tips on how to negotiate salary during interviews, check out: Interview Tips For Architects: How To Successfully Negotiate Salary During Interviews.

10 Interview Questions for Architects

Now that we have established the key pointers, let’s get into the 10 architecture interview questions that you can expect in your next interview.

These architecture interview questions have been organised in the order you can expect them. We have also tried to list what the interviewer is trying to assess from these architecture questions. This can help you prepare your answers accordingly. The questions are followed by sample answers.

1. Can you tell me a little about yourself? 

Assessment: Personality, Work ethic, Experience level, Interests

This is usually the opening architecture interview question every interviewer asks. It is important to not go on and on with this answer and keep it short, ideally not more than thirty seconds. You could also make this answer interesting by treating it as a story - a story of your professional journey (note: the interviewer has no interest in how many siblings you have). Preparing for this interview question beforehand could guarantee you a long-lasting impression.

A good answer to this question would look like this:

I am XYZ, and I recently graduated from XYZ college. Since my first year, I have been interested in parametric design, and it is something that truly fascinates me. To pursue my interests, I upskilled myself throughout my undergraduate journey in the relevant software, such as Rhino and Grasshopper. I have also done several internships and personal projects related to computational design. I have an organised and effective work style, with particular emphasis on time efficiency, and I believe I will be the perfect fit for the company.

Similar Questions:

  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • How would you describe your work style?
  • Describe to me your architectural journey so far. 

2. Can you run me through your portfolio? 

Assessment: Experience level, Technical skills, Interests

This is a very important interview question, and since we architecture students are so passionate about our portfolios, this shouldn’t be hard to answer. Here are some points to keep in mind while answering this question:

  • Keep the description of each project short and concise.

  • Highlight the role you played in the projects. Often, architecture projects are the work of a large team and it is important to showcase the part you played in them.

  • Highlight your technical skill set.

  • As you move through your portfolio, it would be nice if you showcase what you learnt from each project, and how you tried to enhance the next project’s quality accordingly. This shows that you have a can-do and positive attitude.

3. Who is your favourite architect?

Assessment: Interests, Passion 

From this architecture interview question, the interviewer is trying to assess how well-versed you are with the industry, and where your interest lies. He could also be trying to assess if your interests would fit with the organisation’s vision.

A good answer to this question would look like this:

My favourite architect is Abeer Seikaly. I think she is revolutionising the way the world perceives parametric architecture. Her project “Weaving a home”, in which she designed collapsible structural fabric shelters, is something I particularly admire. I am very passionate about harnessing the potential of parametric design to bring about positive change in the world.”

 Abeer Seikaly’s parametric structures in the middle of a desert


Similar Questions:

  • Describe to me your favourite architectural project.
  • Which project of ours do you like most?
  • Why did you want to be an architect?

Check out these Top 7 Places to Learn BIM in India 2024

4. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? 

Assessment: Goals, Vision

This interview question for architects is a tricky one. You might be having goals about opening your own firm someday, but you don’t need to reveal that to your interviewer. What they want to know is that you are going to be a loyal member of the team, and the best way to answer this would be to show a genuine interest in the company and the role you are applying for.

A good answer to this question would look like this:

In the next 5 years, I want to further improve my technical skills in the field of parametric design while also learning more about the methodologies followed in the industry. I believe that working at <name of firm>, with its impressive projects and knowledgeable team, will enable me to achieve this. It is my dream to lead an architectural project someday, and I look forward to that in the next five years of my architecture journey.”

Similar Questions:

  • Why do you wish to join this firm?
  • What are the expectations of yourself as an architect?

5. Tell us about one mistake you’ve made, professionally or academically. How did you correct it? 

Assessment: Personality, Work ethic

Here, the interviewer wants to know your decision-making and problem-solving skills. They also want to see whether you take ownership of your mistakes. It would be best to prepare for this architecture interview question beforehand. You don’t want to rewind your entire architectural journey in your mind while the interviewer sits there staring blankly at you.

A good answer to this question would look like this:

During my architecture internship at XYZ firm, I once made a mistake in the presentation of the project. I realised that it was my mistake and took responsibility for it. Then, I went ahead and made the necessary changes, putting in some extra hours after work.

Similar Questions:

  • Describe a situation where you have made design trade-off decisions.


6. Can you elaborate on an instance when you exercised leadership? 

Assessment: Personality, Work ethic

Similar to the previous question, this question tries to analyse you, as a person. They want to know if you can lead a team, and if you have leadership skills. It is important to realise that even a small leadership role counts here.

A good answer to this question would look like this:

During my college, I led a team of 20 members as the team lead of the college society - XYZ. The role provided me with essential skills such as team management, coordination, collaboration, and leadership. Under my leadership, we successfully brought 2 projects to fruition.

7. Tell us about your technical skills. 

 A man sitting in front of a monitor

Assessment: Technical skills

This is a technical architecture interview question. To best answer this, it would be helpful to get inside information about which software the organisation uses. Accordingly, you can highlight those skills in your resume and portfolio too.

A good answer to this question would look like this:

I am well versed in Rhino, Grasshopper, and AutoCAD. I also learnt rendering software such as VRay and Lumion during my college.

8. Why did you leave your previous job? 

Assessment: Personality, Work ethic

For this architecture interview question, it is important to craft your answer in a way that does not put down your previous employer - even though you may have left the firm because of that. It would be beneficial to not make this question about yourself, and instead highlight the projects you want to work on. This can also serve as another reason to hire you for the role.

A good answer to this question would look like this:

I wanted to expand my knowledge base and work on projects of a different type that could offer more intellectual stimulation. I know you have a parametric housing project coming up – projects such as that are more in line with my design taste and sync up well with my personal ambitions. I am therefore looking to leverage my existing knowledge base in a new environment while taking up new design challenges."

9. What makes you a good fit for this firm? 

Assessment: Passion, Goals, Vision

Here, the interviewer wants to know which of your passions and interests align with the company’s vision. In this architecture interview question, you can also show your admiration of the organisation’s projects and showcase how you would contribute towards maintaining that quality. You should also list all the non-technical skills and interests you have, such as research and writing skills.

A good answer to this question would look like this:

“I have been following <name of firm>’s projects for a long time and really admire the design philosophy. Particularly, the <name of project> really fascinates me and I hope to contribute to the quality of the organisation that it has maintained. I am well-versed with the technical software that the firm uses and believe I will be a good fit for the role. I also have an interest in research and writing, and can help contribute to the organisation’s outreach and communication activities."

Similar Questions:

  • Which project of ours do you like most?
  • What are your expectations from this role?

Wondering how to choose the right architecture firm for yourself? Check out: Small Or Big Architecture Firm? How To Select The Right Architecture Firm For Yourself

10. Are you interviewing anywhere else? 

Assessment: Personality

Want to know the best way to answer this architecture interview question? Just be honest. There is nothing to hide here. If you have plenty of options lined up on your plate, great! Tell them that you’re looking for a long-term move to a company and be sure to impress your interviewer with your commitment.

If you don’t have any lined up, no problem at all! Tell them you’re being very selective with your options because you want to choose the right company and make sure your skills match the job description.

To figure out which firm would be the best fit for you, check out: How to Choose the Right Architecture Firm for Your Internship.

A good answer to this question would look like this:

Yes, I do have a couple of interviews lined up. I am looking for a long-term commitment to a firm, and I want to make sure I make the right decision."


I don’t have many interviews lined up, actually. I only sent out a couple of applications because I wanted to make sure I chose the right one. I am searching for a good fit between the company’s vision and the skills I possess."

Similar Questions:

  • Do you have any other offers?

I hope this blog gave you the insight you needed to accelerate your career in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) Industry. 

Novatr offers courses on the two most in-demand skills in the AEC industry– BIM Professional Course and the Parametric Modelling Course – both taught by industry experts with years of real-world experience working in the industry. You will also get to work on real-life projects, which will undoubtedly be good additions to your technical skill sets. You are not just saying you know BIM or parametric modelling, there are projects to prove it.

Go to our Resources page if you want to get more insights on AEC careers, software & tools, and industry trends.