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Highlighting Differences between Computational Designer and Traditional Architect


3 min read

September 5, 2023


Table of Contents


Arath Jacquez, Executive Director Formacion ARCO recently engaged in an intriguing conversation with Tarang Gupta, Computational Design Specialist within the realm of architecture and design. This dialogue unfolded the contrasting daily tasks undertaken by computational designers and their counterparts in the realm of traditional architecture. Through this discourse, the duo has revealed the captivating disparities that shape the two profession’s individual approaches, tools, and overarching philosophies. 

The video elucidates the dynamic nature of their work processes and provides insight into how each profession approaches its tasks on a daily basis. For instance, computational designers are depicted as skilled users of digital landscapes who draw on advanced softwares and algorithms to realise their creative ambitions. Traditional architects, on the other hand, are portrayed as craftsmen who use their understanding of materials, proportions, and spatial connections to bring their designs to life.

Embrace the dynamic interplay between innovation and efficiency that characterises the modern architectural landscape. The video promises to unveil a new dimension of architectural insight, inviting viewers to contemplate the fascinating intersection of these two distinct approaches.

Divergent Methodologies

Central to this discussion is the contrasting modus operandi embraced by these professionals. Traditional architects are known for their comprehensive perspective, skillfully coordinating various elements to shape architectural marvels. On the other hand, computational designers channel their energies into specialised domains, enabling them to delve deeply into specific facets of the design process.

Tools of the Craft

The video also illuminates the stark disparity in the tools and softwares each group employs. Computational designers use cutting-edge software and algorithms tailored to their unique needs to construct intricate designs based on data-driven insights. In contrast, traditional architects adhere to established design software, employing traditional techniques to craft their creations.

Design Philosophies: Sequential vs. Iterative

One of the most notable distinctions lies in the design philosophy embraced by each group. Traditional architects follow a linear approach, progressing from conceptual sketches to detailed construction drawings, ensuring a methodical evolution of ideas. On the other hand, computational designers adopt an iterative methodology, commencing with an expansive exploration of multiple design options, meticulously evaluated against diverse environmental and structural parameters. This approach fosters creativity while also cultivating pragmatic solutions.

Problem-Solving Masters

A captivating revelation emerged from the conversation regarding the mindset cultivated by computational designers as opposed to traditional architects. Beyond viewing architecture merely as a platform for creative expression, computational designers embody a profound problem-solving approach. These professionals dissect the design process into manageable challenges, optimising efficiency, and effectiveness at every step. 

Adaptability and Flexibility

In an era characterised by rapid transformations, the adaptability conferred by computational tools emerges as a significant advantage. Computational designers seamlessly incorporate adjustments prompted by external factors, facilitating agile shifts and refinements without the need for comprehensive overhauls. In contrast, traditional architects, while equally adept, often face more intricate revisions when accommodating changes.

Forecasting Tomorrow's Designs Today

Perhaps the most captivating aspect of the conversation centred on pre-emptive design solutions. Computational designers possess the remarkable ability to anticipate and devise solutions before the design attains its final form. This proactive stance ensures a harmonious integration of creativity and data-driven decision-making, potentially streamlining the entire design process.

If you are looking for computational design courses online, do check out Master Computational Design Course by Novatr. Enrol for the course today, and allow your understanding to develop further as you delve into the captivating world of computational design. 

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